About the Teacher

Hi, I’m Ms. Schaefer!

(or Stephanie Schaefer to the grownups.) I am a preschool teacher, and I am offering my own virtual summer camp this summer while most traditional preschool summer camp programs are closed.

I am an experienced early childhood educator, with 8 years in the classroom, and decades more working for children’s nonprofit organizations. Currently, I teach twos and threes at Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church Nursery School in Washington, DC. (But this site is *not* a CCPC camp program — this is just me, personally, using my expertise to develop a virtual summer program for you. )

As an educator, I am passionate about play-based, hands-on learning for young children. I am attuned to young children’s current capabilities, and plan activities that meet them at their level and give room to grow.

I love open-ended art with young children. Young children are in the moment; they want to do, and touch, and so I seek to provide them with engaging projects that let them explore and create at their own pace.

Sensory exploration and play is valuable for young children, and so I like to provide them with opportunities to feel different textures, and to pour, mix and squeeze different materials, like play dough, sand, and rice. Children use sensory materials to explore cause and effect, engage in imaginitive play, strengthen their hand muscles, or simply take in soothing sensations

In addition to working as an educator, I am a trainer of preschool teachers and child care providers, approved by the Maryland State Department of Education, and I work for the Maryland Association for the Education of Young Children, providing support to 3,000 educators in Maryland. I have a BA in Psychology and an MS and a PhD in Human Development and Family Studies.