
Virtual Summer Camp

  • Ms. Schaefer’s 2020 virtual summer camp is open for enrollment! Offering families of preschoolers a three morning per week program over six weeks.
    • Week 1 starts July 6. Week 6 starts August 10.
  • The entire camp is remote; engage in our activities from home!
  • We will do open-ended art projects, explore sensory materials like sand or play dough, read great children’s books, and gather virtually via Zoom for art or sensory play sessions three mornings a week. Zoom-free option also available.
  • Come play with me!
Art Projects
Sensory Play
Great Books
Connecting Virtually

Art Projects that engage young children in making creative choices. Supply list and detailed instructions provided.

Playing with suggested sensory materials like sand, water, or play dough for fine motor strength and exploring cause and effect.

Recorded video of Ms. Schaefer reading great children’s books each week. Optional book list provided if you’d like to order your own copies in advance.

Gathering live with Ms. Schaefer and the other kids via Zoom for engaging art and sensory play times. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 10:00 am.


I’m so glad you’re visiting my Virtual Summer Camp site. Click around here so you can see if this set of preschool playful learning is for you and your family this summer. Read the rest of this post here…

Virtual Camp Sessions

Week 1: July 6 – 10 – We Are the Dinosaurs!

Stomp and roar like a dinosaur! make dinosaur prints and read books like Whatever Happened to the Dinosaurs? by Bernard Most

Week 2: July 13 – 17 – Construction Fun

Get your dump trucks and front loaders ready to roll! Let’s paint with truck wheels and read fun construction books.

Week 3: July 20 – 24 – Dr. Seuss

Campers will hear the tongue-twisting delights of some of Ms. Schaefer’s favorites from the Dr. Seuss collection.

Week 4: July 27 – 31 – Swimming Sea Animals

We will focus on sharks and whales, with fun books like I’m a Shark! by Bob Shea.

Week 5: August 3 – 7 – Wigglers and Crawlers

Learn and read about worms and insects, and make wiggling worm art!

Week 6: August 10 – 14 – Classic Children’s Books

We will finish up our summer season with a few children’s book classics, like Blueberries for Sal.

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About Me

Stephanie Schaefer is an experienced early childhood educator who loves hands-on, creative learning and teaches preschool in Chevy Chase, DC.

More About Ms. Schaefer

Get In Touch

Questions, comments? Let me know!

  • schaeferteacher@gmail.com
  • (240) 441 3280 (mobile)

Ms. Schaefer’s Virtual Camp on Instagram: playandlearnece